Solar energy is renewable energy generated from sunlight using solar panels. Photovoltaic cells in the panels convert sunlight into electricity, which can power your home or business.

Going solar offers numerous benefits, including reduced electricity bills, a lower carbon footprint, increased property value, and potential tax incentives or rebates.

Solar panels work best in sunny areas, but can still generate power in less sunny regions. SolarX team will assess your location's solar potential during the consultation.

Savings vary based on your energy consumption, solar system size, local electricity rates, and available incentives. Typically, customers can save  80% to 100% on their electricity bills.

The ROI for solar panels depends on factors like system cost, energy savings, and incentives. On average, homeowners recover their investment in about  5 to  8 years.

 Our High-quality solar panels can last 25 to 30 years or more with proper maintenance.

Net metering is a billing arrangement where excess solar energy generated is sent back to the grid. You receive credits for this surplus energy, which offset your future electricity usage.

Solar panels are low-maintenance, but occasional cleaning and inspections are recommended to ensure optimal performance. We offer maintenance services for SolarX customers.

Standard grid-tied solar systems shut down during power outages to protect utility workers. However, we offer battery backup solutions for uninterrupted power supply.

Solar system costs depend on the system size, location, and installation complexity. SolarX team will provide a customized quote after evaluating your needs.

Yes. Households can receive a tax credit to cover 30% of the costs of installing rooftop solar.  

Yes, SolarX provides various financing options, to make solar more affordable.

 Our solar panels are certified by reputable standards organizations, and we offer manufacturer warranties for added peace of mind.

To get started, simply contact us to schedule a consultation. We will assess your needs, explain the process, and provide a detailed proposal for your solar project.

Reputation and Experience, Licenses and Certifications, Quality of Equipment, Pricing and Financing Options, Customer Service and Support,  Installation Timeline. 

 SolaraX will provide high-quality solar panel installation that meets your needs and budget. 

SolarX uses Microinverter for households which is more reliable and redundant. 

SolarX uses a High-performance solar panel only.